Friday, February 17, 2012

My COS date and some very awesome news!!

I found out that my "close of service" date will be July 18th! It feels kind of weird having an actual date now. Before, when people would ask me when I would be leaving Moldova and coming back home,I would say sometime in the summer....but now I actually have a date. How exciting is that?! Well if that wasn't exciting enough, my parents will be visiting Moldova on July 18th too!

Yes, tickets are bought. They leave California on July17th and will arrive in Chisinau, Moldova's capital, on July 18th....which happens to be my dad's birthday as well! I can't wait to show my parents my village and introduce them to my host family. I know it will be a little hard since they don't speak the language, but I will just have to interpret everything for them. I want them to stay in my village for a few days, then hopefully we will be able to see the capital for a day or two and then we will fly off to Spain!! That is the plan thus far, we already have tickets from Barcelona back to what we do in between is still in the works.

This seems like a dream come true to me...I know that some people didn't think my parents would ever come to Moldova, but they are. It will be the first time for the both of them to experience Europe and we are going to have a blast! Watch out Moldova, the Mexicans are coming!!!

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